The Fat On Dieting In The New Year

Dieting: Timing of meals matters

Pope astutely concludes that this “explains the high failure rate in obesity treatment.” She is adding an important voice to the ongoing controversy over whether dieting helps people maintain any weight loss. Despite ongoing research indicating that dieting not only doesn’t produce lasting weight loss but may also lead to weight gain, especially in teens, many of us fall under the spell and argue in favor of dieting, saying that it is healthy and good, even something to be admired and rewarded, a virtue worth pursuing. The multi-billion dollar diet industry seduces us into believing that cycles of dieting are the best way to achieve the “right” body for each one of us. According to psychologist Deb Burgard, who has been at the forefront of the “Health At Every Size” movement, “They never admit that dieting triggers disordered eating in vulnerable people,” or that it increases physical cravings and emotional deprivation thereby setting up an increased likelihood for binge eating, which eventually increases weight. “The problem,” says Burgard, “is people just believe dieting is good, like a religion, and you are the atheist in the room when you question it.
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One problem with this scenario, however, is that muscles require carbohydrate energy for optimal performance. Diminish exercise performance, and you diminish number of calories burned. To deliberately deprive the body of carbohydrate at a time when it needs it the dr oz garcinia cambogia most also lowers blood sugar throughout the workout, setting the stage for additional problems. It is also more likely that you may overeat with other meals. Studies have shown that those who skip meals are more likely to binge on junk food, and also perform less efficiently at work.
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